Sep 29, 2023 510 views

The Dark Underworld Jamtara: India’s Cybercrime Hotspot

Category: Blog

The alarming rise of cyber-crime in Jamtara is indicative of a larger trend taking place across India. With the advent of technology and the digital revolution, cyber-criminals have found fertile ground to exploit unsuspecting individual corporations and financial institutions. The scale and complexity of such operations highlight the need for heightened vigilance, improved cyber-security measures, and increased awareness about online threats. In India’s vast digital landscape, a hidden underworld exists where cyber-criminals thrive. Among the many notorious cyber-crime hubs, one in particular stands out — Jamtara. This rural district in Jharkhand has gained infamy as India’s cyber-crime hotspot showcasing the audacity and sophistication of its criminal underworld. Recently a major breakthrough in the form of three arrests offered a glimpse into the modus operandi and staggering earnings of a gang involved in credit card fraud.

The modus operandi deployed by the credit card fraud gang in Jamtara is as deceptive as it is ingenious. Members of the gang would send phishing emails and SMSs to unsuspecting credit card holders posing as bank representatives. These messages would contain deceptive links purportedly for converting their reward points into cash.

The scam began with the fraudsters sending a fraudulent text message or email to unsuspecting credit cardholders posing as representatives from their respective banks. The message would contain a link enticing the cardholder to click and provide their bank details to facilitate a money transfer.


With access to the credit card data, the criminals would then contact the victims falsely informing them that their reward points were about to expire. They would manipulate the victims into submitting their bank details through a Google form. Exploiting this opportunity, the fraudsters swiftly transferred the funds from the victims’ bank accounts to accounts under their control.


Using various tactics such as unauthorised online transactions, purchases or transferring the stolen funds to other accounts the cyber-criminals managed to accumulate a significant amount of money each day. Their illicit earnings ranged between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 1.5 lakh.

The recent arrests in Jamtara have undoubtedly sent shock-waves throughout the criminal underworld but it is imperative to recognise that this is just one group among many. To combat the growing menace of cyber-crime effectively a multifaceted approach is required. Regular audits and assessments of security measures should be conducted to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly. Even, financial institutions must implement advanced cyber-security protocols including multi-factor authentication encryption and fraud detection algorithms. Creating public awareness campaigns regarding online safety cyber-security best practices and the dangers of falling victim to phishing scams is essential.


The credit card fraud gang in Jamtara acts as a grim reminder of the growing sophistication of cyber-criminals and the urgent need to establish a counteroffensive. By reinforcing law enforcement capabilities, promoting public awareness, implementing robust cyber-security measures, and fostering international cooperation India can hope to mitigate the adverse impact of cyber-crime. Only through a collective effort we can safeguard our digital future and create a secure online environment for generations to come.

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